Signal is a little-known messenger for exchanging encrypted messages. Due to the special data transfer protocol, even the owners of Signal can’t see the confidential information of the messenger users. Unlike Telegram, here are encrypted all messages, not just the ones sent in anonymous chats. The Signal source code is available to anyone willing on GitHub. To get started with the messenger, download the Application and enter the phone number to which a confirmation code will arrive. In this article we’ll tell how to create a Signal account without using own number.
How to bypass SMS verification for Signal
Signal has been operating since 2013. The messenger gained a sharp rise in popularity after WhatsApp updated the terms of the Privacy policy: because of data transfer to Facebook, anonymity is out of the question. Then users began to look for an alternative and stumbled across the Signal messenger, which was positively noted by prominent people: Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey, Edward Snowden. It’s impossible to use the messenger without account verification: the question is which number the code will arrive to. Privacy lovers will prefer that option where the personal number is not used. And there is such a way.
Virtual numbers will help to receive SMS from Signal. On the principle of operation, they are no different from physical ones, but are more convenient to use. To get a temporary number, use the service to receive SMS
To verify the Signal account, it’s not required to buy a SIM card. Instead, the user remotely gets access to virtual number for 5-10 minutes. During this time, it’s necessary to enter number digits and receive an SMS.
Functionality and Peculiarities of Signal
The messenger is used to exchange text and voice messages, audio and video calls. There is also the opportunity to send photos, emoticons, videos and stickers. For corporate communication group chats (up to 1000 people) are provided.
Signal uses E2EE encryption technology: the transmitted information is encrypted without being sent to remote servers. No one, except the chat participants, will be able to get access to the messages (even Signal owners). Thus, any external intervention is impossible.
To increase privacy, Signal developers have added the opportunity of automatic removal of photos and videos a few seconds after viewing.
Virtual numbers for SMS from Signal
The purchase of virtual number to receive SMS from Signal is a simple procedure. We’ve prepared a step-by-step instruction which will help to figure out.
- Go to the
website and get registered. For account creation a valid E-mail is enough.
- To top up the balance, use a debit card or an E-wallet.
- On the left side of the page the list of available countries and operators is located. Specify the appropriate options.
- Scroll the page down and find “signal” item in the list of websites and applications. Click on it and tap on the appearing “Buy” button.
- A window with information about the purchased virtual number will appear. Сору the number and paste it into the field for Signal registration.
- In the window will be displayed the code from the SMS for account confirmation. Use it to bypass verification.
The given instruction is relevant for other websites and applications. On the client’s selection are numbers of practically all known countries and operators. This means that the opportunity to get registered on foreign websites and applications that are not available in some countries appears.